Monday, November 5, 2007

23 Things Assignment #8

Unfortunately, my links to the YouTube videos did not seems to work. Nonetheless, I still have comments about it. YouTube is a really cool tool. But, again, it just seems like another time-waster - and I can speak from personal experience. I constantly have to drag my boyfriend away from YouTube in order to go to the gym or even go for a walk. I'm sure it can be used to produce something worthwhile, like advocacy or instructional videos for TPL. Ideally speaking, it should be used for creating something that will contribute to social development, but in reality it is and will, more often than not, be used for useless and tedious things. It seems to cut people off from each other and prevent others from interacting and socializing directly with one another more than it does to forge and strengthen social relations.

1 comment:

23 Things Staff said...

Interesting thoughts, thank you. I do find YouTube is more recreational than valuable at this time, but I have seen some great library clips used for promoting events etc.